The Beloved Shop Dog Noah. March 23 2003 - May 16 2018

From the artist...
A Home Grown Southern Woman to the core, I grew up in Grassland Farms in rural Perry County, Alabama. In that tranquil setting, I had ample materials to make art and the roots of my artistry are traced back to that fertile period of my imagination. Now, after being an empty nester, I can put all my talent, energy and time into my career of artist/craftsman! Now is the time.
I live in Birmingham, AL, and am fortunate to be located next to the Irondale Cafe, made famous by Fannie Flaggs' novel and motion picture Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe.
I have been a stained glass artist since 1999. My passion for stained glass windows has been with me since a very young age. Traveling through Europe, the windows of Notre Dame and other European Cathedrals left me dazzled as do the brilliant windows in my hometown church in Marion, Alabama. Stained glass windows are the most ethereal art form there is, an art form where spirit and mind converge. And because of the public’s ever increasing appetite for art, the use of stained glass windows in the Architectural market place is ever increasing!
My patterns are all freehand, no computer images. I get my artistic inspiration from absolutely everywhere and everything. I can do traditional designs, but when my most faithful clients give me free range, I will create a window that is quite stunning and very eclectic. No matter where they are placed, all well-mastered stained glass windows hold a natural place of honor.
What I find easiest in regards to constructing a window is pattern design and color selection. What can be perplexing is the amount of time it takes to make a significant window but because of this a relationship with each window is formed during the process. And when at last the window is installed into its permanent dwelling, it is most often difficult to turn my back and walk away that last time. But I know I must.
About the artist...
Andrea Lucas is a multi media artist of more than three decades who has been pivotal in the folk art scene through her dedication to showcasing other artists. Andrea has been a driving force in introducing dozens of artists to a diverse group of enthusiasts from across the nation. She has also created hundreds of pieces of stained glass windows, most notably her 50 square-foot stained glass window that took two years to create for Knesseth Israel Synagogue.
Known as an award-winning artist, Andrea is also a multi-talented performer. Since April of 2014, she has opened her new studio to other inspired individuals of all ages by hosting monthly Hootenannies—variety shows available to all levels of talents including poets, authors, storytellers, singer/songwriters, instrumentalists, comedians and even magicians.
Each Hootenanny commences with a gallery open house highlighting a featured artist. After a couple of hours of complimentary snacks, the festivities begins with a performance by Andrea herself who comically kicks off the night of curated acts, audience participation through a draw-from-the-hat, and comes to a close with a group sing-along. The Hootenannies are an intimate and cozy setting for performers of varying backgrounds and supporters of the art community.
Aside from hosting the Hootenannies, Andrea has also presented a poetry reading by the Alabama State Poetry Society, meetings for the Birmingham Art Association and The Exchange Group, workshops and classes, and welcomes more creative gatherings in her space each month.