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Check out the buzz!

Weld Magazine

Courtney Haden July 26, 2014


DIY, and why not? Three Saturday manifestations of the entrepreunral spirit


I was standing in the deli section at Piggly Wiggly, because I am a lazy, lazy man. As I pondered the benefits of a tub of pimiento cheese (oranger and easier to spoon than regular cheese), my attention was drawn to what appeared to be a tiny orange pie in an aluminum pan. I picked up the delicacy for a closer look, on the off chance that it, too, might involve pimiento cheese...

Fox6 News

November 21, 2008


Andrea Lucas featured on Absolutely Alabama with Fred Hunter

The Birmingham News 

Greg Garrison September 20, 2008


Pelham artist crafts stained-glass window for Birmingham synagogue


Stained-glass artist Andrea Lucas checks on progress on the installation of a window she created. Birmingham's Orthodox synagogue on Overton Road has been imbued with sacred colors in time for Rosh Hashanah and the High Holy Days, thanks to a stained-glass artist from Pelham...

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